CKey Poses
Ash Series Exclusive for The Men Jail Event!!
5 Different Male poses
(Ash Pose 1 shown)
L'Emporio Presents *Arioch Male Ring Set*
●This box contain:
1 Set of 9 Rings -Right Hand-
1 Set of 9 Rings -Left Hand-
1 Set of Rings -Linked- Right & Left Hand-
1 HUD driven:
3 Metal Colors, Individually for Rignt and Left hand.
3 Gem Stone on rings with gems, Individually for Rignt and Left hand.
Buttons Show/Hide Rings Individually for Rignt and Left hand.
Qeli & Covenna Harvest Decor
:[P]:- Qeli Hand:// Harvestus ( Hand statue decor)
:[P]:- Covenna Hourglass:// Harvest Moon (hourglass decor)