Skin ~
A first for Birth, a skin for Lelutka's EvoX range, featuring higher resolution than normal for that extra beautiful detail, most easily seen on the nose and lips. 'Everly' Lelutka EvoX BOM ███▓▒░░..░░▒▓███ - BOM only [no appliers in this pack, body bom/ appliers sold separately].
* worn on Lelutka Avalon EvoX 3.0 with my personal shape using Satomi BlackDragon Feels windlight on ultra . No Editing as this skin is so detailed it doesn't need it..
-Birth- 'Yum-Yum' Watermelon *WearMe
"Yum-Yum" cute and mouthwatering melon chunk is free! @ SHOP N HOP
super cute YUM-YUM can be held or nibbled on .. AND you can't beat FREE !
Birth has a 25% all store blow-out at the Linden run SL18B Shop and Hop event. Skins, jiggles, glimmer eyes and more.